‘Tis the season to celebrate Michael!

Tis the season to be shopping, sipping hot chocolate, and watching fun holiday movies. And it’s also the season to celebrate our December Athlete of the Month…
πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰  Michael Bush πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
Michael is one of our personal training clients who has been with us since 2018. He always has a great smile and the positivity attitude that follows. He has made a lifestyle change and has had great success with nutrition. Michael has improved his Olympic lift technique and has gained an impressive amount of strength to follow. He stays focused on his goals and believes in the hard work it takes! Read more about Michael and be ready to be inspired 😊🀩😊

β›„ Tell us about yourself.
❄ I train dogs for a living and I have recently decided to pursue a career in law enforcement. I consider myself a very friendly and social person. I enjoy meeting new people. I push myself to be very passionate and driven in reaching my goals. Tides has been a wonderful aid in becoming closer to accomplishing the goals I have recently set for myself.

β›„ How long have you been with Tides and what made you decide to start?

❄ I trained with Tides in 2018/2019. I recently returned at the end of October. I do personal training with Emily. I decided to return based on the progress I made before in 18/19. I have lost 65 lbs since the start of the pandemic and I wanted to climb higher with my fitness goals.
β›„ When did you realize this gym was right for you?

❄ When I first explored Tides in 2018 I met Brian and Emily. I was impressed with how kind and eager they were to help me get my fitness goals moving in the direction I was looking to towards. The atmosphere of the gym made me feel very comfortable and accepted. All the athletes at Tides are kind and very supportive. The community here is amazing! 

β›„ What were your thoughts after your first WOD? 

❄ After my first Wod, I thought it was very intense and challenging but in a positive way.  I enjoy a challenge and I knew that it was worth continuing.

β›„ What is your favorite/least favorite WOD/movements?

❄ I can’t say I have a favorite wod moment off the top of my head. I enjoy all of them. Each wod has their own challenges. Although I always feel accomplished and proud after moving through any of the longer 25-30 minute wods. Looking back in my mind there is no “least” favorite wod. I believe you learn, grow and benefit from each one. 

β›„ What is the biggest thing you have learned since joining Tides?

❄ The biggest thing I have learned at Tides is hard work pays off! Not just with my own progress and success but watching other athletes grow and crush their goals really inspires me. Consistency and patience plays a big factor in success.

β›„  What is your proudest moment at Tides, or something you accomplished that you never thought you would do?

❄ In 2018/2019 I was recovering from shoulder injuries. Tides helped me strengthen the appropriate areas to overcome these issues. So my proudest moments I would have to say is when I started doing heavier lifts overhead and doing more stuff that involved hanging off the rig like kip swings, knees to chest and toes to bar.
β›„ What motivates you during a tough workout?

❄ What motivates me during a tough workout is knowing how proud and accomplished I will feel at the end. Knowing that it’s the tough wods where you may have to dig deeper than usual that accelerates personal growth.

β›„ How have you seen yourself change- mentally and physically since joining Tides? What impact has CFT had on you in and out of the gym?
❄ I have seen both physical and mental change.  My confidence in myself and the way I approach my problems in life has definitely strengthened since coming back to Tides. I have also lost close to 20 lbs since returning to Tides and I’m starting to feel much better about myself when I see myself in the mirror.

β›„ Do you have any advice for people just getting started at Tides and/or thinking about personal training?
❄ Yes, it is worth the investment!! You will see and feel different about yourself. Patience, consistency and a strong attitude will take you far no matter what your fitness goals are.

β›„ When you’re not working out, what is your favorite thing to do?

❄ I enjoy spending time with my dog. Doing outdoor activities like hiking and camping. A few things that I made a goal of that I want to try and do more of this next summer are ziplining, rock climbing and I’ve always wanted to go skydiving!  I love shooting guns. One day I would like to try shooting competitions.

β›„ Would you rather live in a giant gingerbread house, or ride on the Polar Express and why? 
Polar express! It sounds more adventurous. πŸš‚
πŸ’₯πŸ’₯ Quick Questions πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
Favorite Cheat Meal: That’s a tough choice between pizza or hot wings

Favorite Musician/Band: I have too many. Lol. I enjoy all different types of music. I think to pick a favorite is too difficult for me. 

Favorite Sports Team: I have been a diehard New Orleans Saints fan since I was 12. ⚜

Favorite TV Show/ Movie: I can’t say I have a favorite tv show but one of my favorite movies are the John Wick series and the movie “The Departed” has always been at the top of my list.

Favorite Athlete: My favorite athlete : Another tough question for me to just give one. I would have to say Drew Brees and I’ve always been inspired by Rich Froning. 

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